Zoning in on growth – Investment Zones in Liverpool and Manchester

Investment Zones are clusters where specific tax and regulatory rules have been granted by the government to help increase innovation and drive economic growth.

Two Investment Zones are planned in the North West – Liverpool City Region Investment Zone and Greater Manchester Investment Zone.

The UK has already established itself as the second biggest hub for life sciences in the world. The Liverpool City Region Investment Zone will build on this, developing a Life Sciences cluster that will unlock at least £320 million of private investment and deliver 4,000 jobs across the Liverpool City Region over the next five years. Among the Investment Zone projects already identified is a £10 million investment by US pharmaceutical manufacturer TriRx, to enhance its capabilities to manufacture monoclonal antibodies.

Greater Manchester will gain from an Investment Zone, expected to attract private investment and create jobs locally. The specific focus and location of the Investment Zone are still under discussion.

Further information can be found on the Investment Zone website.